We are delighted that you have chosen The Oaks Academy to continue with the next stage in your child’s education. We realise that starting secondary school  is an exciting time with lots of new experiences and we are dedicated to ensuring that this process is as simple and informative as possible.

Once you have accepted your place we will contact you personally. You will receive our welcome booklet in the post, which contains all the information you need plus some key documents that we require you to complete and return. 

Primary School visits 

In the summer term we begin the ‘transition’ process, which starts with your child having a visit at their primary school by one of our dedicated transition team. During the visit we will talk to your child and their primary teachers to learn a bit about them, find out about their friendship groups and ask them about their likes and dislikes. This information will then be used to help place students in tutor groups containing some of their friends from primary school, ready for when they start at The Oaks in September. 

New Intake Day and Transition Days

All Year 6 students who have been successful in securing a place with us for September will be invited to attend at least one Transition Discovery Day in the summer term, where they will be able to meet their Form Tutor and new classmates and begin to familiarise themselves with their new school. Parents/ carers are invited to a New Intake parent/ carer evening when they will have the opportunity to meet key members of staff. We will send you invitations and more detail about these events nearer the time.

Year 7 Meet the Tutor evening

Our tutors ensure each day that your child is given the support and confidence they need to build their aspirations, attainment and attitude to be best version of themselves.  Maintaining close links with our parents and carers is key to our success. Therefore, In the first half term of Year 7 all parents / carers are invited in to meet with their child’s form tutor. This is a great opportunity to check how your child has settled in plus support good parent and school communication.