Health & Social Care Curriculum Statement
To prepare students for a potential future in Health, Social or Early years setting, we aim to nurture compassionate and caring citizens who have respect for others, and can assess the needs of an individual and adapt their behaviour accordingly. Through discussion based learning, and applying knowledge to case studies, students learn to appreciate the circumstances and challenges of individuals outside of their own experiences, and develop an awareness of the role of HSC systems in supporting individuals within society. This empowers students to take control of their own well-being by developing an understanding of their health, and that of others, and how to seek support.
As a vocational subject we aim to develop a wide range of transferable skills relevant to a career in a person-centred environment. Research, practical skills, ICT and professional development all feature heavily in the Health and Social Care course as students are encouraged to present coursework in real world formats to provide solid examples of skills that increase employability.
Here's our Curriculum Road Map for Health & Social Care:
Health and Social Care Curriculum Map 2024-2025
- Health and Social Care equips our students to discover the impact of positive and negative human development and to critically analyse how these factors affect our day to day lives.
- Health and Social Care enables students to explore areas that influence how we develop throughout life stages and in turn raise expectations of how we can live successful and healthy lives now and in our future.
- Health and Social care enables students to learn about different health conditions which can effect individuals. Students will then be encouraged to develop Health Plans to improve health and wellbeing along with overcoming any barriers.
Understanding of the different Care Values within Health and Social Care are developed to enable students to learn how to work within any health or social environment and why each one is important. Students will also be encouraged to do further research into the different settings and roles within those settings relating them to health conditions.
Health and Social Care promotes opportunities for students to draw from case studies and opportunities to undertake research to compliment learning and create skills that will be used throughout their lives. These skills encourage students to think outside typical teenage ego-centrism and begin to challenge the way they perceive the world we live in. Furthermore, highlighting how human relationships, physical environments and socioeconomic status may influence how they develop.
Through investigation of health and well-being and how our lifestyle choices effect how healthy we are, students access different resources and external agency advice and guidance that encourages them to talk about areas and raise awareness of signs and symptoms of: abuse, addiction, illness and mental health.
Implementation: - What does learning look like?
Year 11 will be assessed on the old OCR health and social care specification ( J801). In year 11 students will complete:
Unit R023: Understanding body systems and disorders
Learning Outcome 1: Know how body systems work
Learning Outcome 2: Understand disorders that affect body systems
Learning Outcome 3: Be able to interpret data obtained from measuring body rates with reference to the functioning of healthy body systems
Unit R031: Using basic first aid procedures
Learning Outcome 1: Be able to assess scenes of accidents to identify risks and continuing dangers
Learning Outcome 2: Understand the first aid procedures for a range of injuries
Learning Outcome 3: Be able to apply basic first aid procedures
Year 10 will be assessed on the new OCR health and social care specification(J835).
R032 Principles of care in health and social care settings.
In this unit Students will learn about the key topics that are important when caring for and protecting people in health and social care. Topics include:
o Topic Area 1 The rights of service users in health and social care settings
o Topic Area 2 Person-centred values
o Topic Area 3 Effective communication in health and social care settings
o Topic Area 4 Protecting service users and service providers in health and social care settings
Students will sit an external exam to be assessed in this unit.
R033 Supporting individuals through life events
In this unit Students will learn about growth and development through the life stages. Students will also learn how to understand the needs of individuals who have been affected by life events and how to recommend support to meet their needs. Topics include:
o Topic Area 1 Life stages
o Topic Area 2 Impacts of life events
o Topic Area 3 Sources of support
Students will submit an assignment as assessment method for this unit.
R034: Creative and therapeutic activities
In this unit Students will research therapies and learn about how they can benefit people. Students will also learn about the benefits of creative activities and you will plan and deliver a creative activity to a group or individual. Topics include:
o Topic Area 1 Therapies and their benefits
o Topic Area 2 Creative activities and their benefits
o Topic Area 3 Plan a creative activity for individuals or groups in a health or social care setting
o Topic Area 4 Deliver a creative activity and evaluate your own performance
Students will submit an assignment as assessment method for this unit.
Students will receive regular verbal and written Quality Marked feedback (QMF) to provide opportunity for every individual to improve their achievement in their Quality Marked Summative (QMS). Written feedback will direct students directed improvement and reflection time (DIRT) which will enhance learning and recall retrieval necessary for their exam. Students working below expected outcomes will be identified by the class teacher, and given the opportunity to improve the outcome of their Evidence based grades (EBG) across the academic year, weeks 10, 20 and 30.
Cultural Capital Opportunities linked to Personal and Character development
Within Health and Social care students will develop understanding their own bodies, and the impact that life can have upon them. This develops character building a healthy, and active, lifestyle. Students will also become confident in assessing an injury and being able to assist someone in an emergency situation which will develop resilience and positive growth mindset of our students to prepare them for the wider world.