Science Curriculum Statement
The Science Department at The Oaks Academy aims to develop pupils who have a desire to learn and the curiosity to become the Scientists of tomorrow.
Pupils develop an understanding of the processes and methods of investigation to equip them with the knowledge and confidence to question the world around them. Key skills such as collaboration, resilience, responsibility, and communication form an integral element of the curriculum. We aim to provide a platform for all pupils to pursue their interests in science by inspiring them to develop their key knowledge and practical skills, as well as a strong focus on guiding them to become fluent in the language of science. The Science curriculum is focused on understanding the world around us, understanding the needs for further development for the future and creating equal opportunities for all pupils so that they can make positive contributions as global citizens.
National Curriculum
The five-year Curriculum is comprised of a bespoke 3-year KS3 which is mapped from the national curriculum followed by two-year KS4 following the AQA Trilogy Science GCSE. The 5-year curriculum consolidates and builds on learning from the Key Stage 2 and take pupils through the KS3 and KS4 as they develop their understanding of the ‘Big Ideas’ in Science. The Science curriculum focuses on developing essential content and skills, introducing and revisiting topics across 5 years to prepare learners for the demands of the new GCSE and prepare them for the next transition in their Science education.
Exceeding Ambition
We stretch and challenge our pupils in order to exceed their potential and promote their love of learning for the subject of Science. We provide regular opportunities for practical work that engages pupils with the curriculum, we embed cross curricular links between departments, discuss career links for the content taught. Furthermore, we plan extracurricular activities to support and enhance the pupils' experiences within the subject. We seek to encourage pupils to take up Triple Science and further studies in Science.
Here's our Science Curriculum Road Map:
Science lessons will have at their core, a love of learning. The promotion of investigating the world around us shall be embedded in all science lessons, where practicable. At the end of each topic, we shall be completing STEM projects that focus on career aspirations to encourage students with their aspirations up to GCSE and beyond. In addition to this love of learning, science lessons will also embed an understanding of the literacy skills that are needed by all students to succeed in Science. A large focus will also be given to the fundamental experimental skills that are needed for the various investigative skills, this includes the practical elements and the data handling skills for the evaluative stages. These will all be monitored and tracked using the science competencies for the KS3 years and GCSE required practicals for KS4.
Key Stage 3 (KS3):
Throughout KS3 we follow a bespoke scheme of learning. It has been designed to meet the requirements of the Science KS3 national curriculum with a focus on the development of how science works skills. We aim to provide an engaging curriculum which will develop a love a science and cultivate a keen interest in how the world around us works. Each of the three years begins with a working scientifically unit and each unit ends with a series of STEM based lessons to help students relate learning to scientific careers and application in the world around them.
Key Stage 4 (KS4):
Here at the Oaks we are currently in the process of introducing a 2 year model for GCSE delivered across 9 hours’ worth of lessons a fortnight. It is our aim that each class will have one teacher to deliver the entire curriculum through out the two-year course. The course we follow is AQA Combined Science Trilogy (8464) specification which upon completion awards two GCSE grades. Students will be taught in preparation for each of the six terminal exam papers.
Pupils are provided with regular opportunities to demonstrate their understanding through both formative and summative assessments. The assessments allow teachers to ascertain whether pupils are working towards meeting and in some cases exceeding their expected outcomes. Formative assessments are built in as part of regular classroom practices which allow teachers to review and adapt their lessons to the needs of pupils they teach. Assessments are carried out at the end of topics, typically at the end of each half term.
Pupils in KS3 complete formative and summative assessments that review understanding through ragging (Red, Amber, Green) of key curriculum performance indicators. Year 10 – 11 pupil’s complete formative assessments and specific summative GCSE style assessments. Furthermore, data gained form the assessments are used to create question level analysis for teachers use as part of their intervention strategies. We encourage pupils to think about prospects in the future and careers in science by setting high expectations and supporting their journey to become the scientists of tomorrow.
Cultural capital opportunities linked to personal & character development
Pupils are encouraged to challenge gendered attitudes around appropriate career choices for boys and girls. The study of STEM subjects allows pupils to explore their relevance and impact on everyday life. Events such as Science week highlights opportunities for pupils to fully immerse themselves in the world of Science so they engage in their curiosity and expand on their understanding of key global issues such as sustainability and climate change. Educational visits and guest speakers give insights into the career pathways, social and economic wellbeing and life skills that promote professional attitudes.