Hospitality and Catering (Food) Curriculum Statement

Intent: At The Oaks Academy, we aim to inspire and engage all learners to be creative and innovative, manage and control risks, work safely with a variety of equipment, ingredients, and preparation methods, become resourceful, enterprising, and resilient citizens.
There are many reasons Hospitality and Catering (Food) is important to the Curriculum:

  1. Hospitality and Catering (Food) is about providing opportunities for our learners to develop their planning and practical capability. 
  2. By combining their design and making skills with knowledge and understanding of the subject, they learn to create quality dishes. However, at its core, is creativity and innovation. 
  3. Pupils learn to design and make dishes that solve genuine, relevant problems within different contexts whilst considering their own and others’ needs, wants, and values. To do this effectively, they will acquire a broad range of subject knowledge and draw on additional disciplines such as mathematics, science, engineering, computing, and art.
  4. As part of the Hospitality and Catering (Food) curriculum, we endeavour to create an engaging and challenging learning environment that strives to allow all learners to develop their resilience as well as their creative thinking and apply a repertoire of knowledge, understanding and skills to design and make high-quality dishes for a wide range of users. 
  5. Learners are given opportunities to carry out practical tasks to help them realise their ideas and are encouraged to self-reflect and refine these ideas based up evaluation criteria. Through this, learners can become innovative thinkers and develop their resilience to grow in a rapidly developing world.

Here at The Oaks, we work hard to give learners opportunities to become:
●    Creative thinkers who use a wide range of research to inform designs and opinions
●    To be technical thinkers and engage in practical tasks to develop and improve making expertise to perform everyday tasks confidently and to participate successfully in an increasingly technological world
●    Strive to build subject knowledge and apply a range of ingredient knowledge, understanding and skills to design and make high-quality dishes for a wide range of users
●    Are self-reflective, critical thinkers who will evaluate their ideas and performance to inform future design decisions
●    Understand and can apply the principles of nutrition and learn how to cook, as well as lead a healthy lifestyle.

Here's our Curriculum Road Map for Hospitality and Catering (Food):

Implementation: - What does learning look like?

Our approach enables our pupils to learn in such a way that they develop:
•    skills required for independent learning and development 
•    a range of generic and transferable skills, 
•    the ability to solve problems, 
•    the skills of project-based research, development, and presentation, 
•    the fundamental ability to work alongside other professionals, in a professional environment.

This subject gives pupils challenging theory and practical opportunities to increase their knowledge of primarily food in KS3 and the wider industry in KS4. 

This being achieved through a wide variety of progressive topics that enable pupils to build on their learning; such as, health and safety, food nutrition, food provenance and menu development techniques as well as food preparation and presentation.

Key Stage 3

In Year 7,8 and 9 pupils will be evaluated in line with the National Curriculum for food which states:
•    understand and apply the principles of nutrition and health
•    cook a repertoire of savoury dishes so that they can feed themselves and others a healthy and varied diet
•    become competent in a range of cooking techniques [for example, selecting and preparing ingredients; using utensils and electrical equipment; applying heat in diverse ways; using awareness of taste, texture, and smell to decide how to season dishes and combine ingredients; adapting and using their own recipes]
•    understand the source, seasonality, and characteristics of a broad range of ingredients

Year 7

Throughout the year 7 course students will be developing their understanding of key concepts that link to working safely in the food room. 
The focus will be to give Y7 learners an opportunity to develop knowledge and basic skills to allow learners to identify and understand the importance of appropriate ingredient choices for specific target markets. 
Learners within Y7 will develop confidence and skills in making relating to specific design contexts and themes.
Moving through Y7 learners will firstly complete baseline chef skills task to identify competency within the subject curriculum, this will then move towards learners adapting and deciding design choices based on a variety of scenarios. 
This focus will encourage resilience, confidence, and problem-solving abilities within learners to plan and make a specific dish.

Years 8 and 9

Building onto the curriculum of Y7, learners in Y8 will begin to create dish ideas in a real-world context.
Within this year, learners will have an overall theme of “Developing Chef Skills.” With this focus learners will use the design and making skills of Y7 as well as adding more complex practical strategies for constant evaluation. 
Moving through Y8&9, learners will look at the wider impact food and food choices has on the environment as well as the dietary culture of other countries. Pupils will, throughout the year, design, make and evaluate small, scaled food projects for both them and specific clients to solve real world issues.

Key Stage 4

Year 10

Students will be evaluated in line with the catering element of the new KS4 specification introduced in September 2022. 
The focus of Year 10 is to develop their chef skills in line with Unit 2 *
Unit 1: The Hospitality and Catering Industry 
    Hospitality and catering providers 
    Working in the hospitality and catering industry 
    Working conditions in the hospitality and catering industry 
    Contributing factors to the success of hospitality and catering provision
 *Unit 2: Hospitality and Catering in Action
•    2.1: Importance of nutrition
•    2.2: Menu Planning
•    2.3: Skills and techniques
•    2.4: Evaluating skills

Year 11

Pupils will continue to be evaluated in line with the existing WJEC/Educas Vocational Award in Hospitality and Catering (Technical Award) Unit 1: The Hospitality and Catering Industry and Unit 2: Catering in Action
•    Understand the environment in which hospitality and catering providers operate
•    Understand how hospitality and catering provisions operate
•    Understand how hospitality and catering provision meets health and safety requirements
•    Know how food can cause ill health
•    Be able to propose a hospitality and catering provision to meet specific requirements

We offer a stimulating curriculum that supports our pupils to become actively engaged in their learning; to take responsibility for their personal development in the process of manufacturing food and to develop themselves as effective and independent life-long learners.


Frequency: Across Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4: Learners' work (both book and practical work). 
•    Learners' work should be marked after every second lesson/ one a fortnight (whichever is more frequent). 
•    Across a food-based project this would mean learners' work would be marked at least twice (mid and end of project) this will be their QMF (Quality Marked Formative) and feedback in the form of WWW (What Went Well) and EBI (Even Better If) will be provided for them to build their subject specific skills and knowledge as well as develop their use of literacy.
•    In KS3 pupils are provided with KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) to enable them to focus on areas for development. 
•    Across all Key Stages pupils are provided with frequent opportunities for self-reflection and time to make further progress in the subject by undertaking DIRT (Directed Improvement and Reflection Time) activities in class. 
•    Once the project is completed, learners/staff will complete an end of project assessment. This will be their QMS (Quality Marked Summative) assessment. This will be carried out every ½ term and provide evidence-based grade for their individual skills. 

Cultural Capital Opportunities linked to Personal and Character development

Within Hospitality and Catering (Food), learners will have access to skills videos and both a core skills/materials/equipment Knowledge Organisers.
These items will support learners in their homework, classwork, and wider reading/knowledge base. 
Throughout the character programme, we focus to instil a growth mindset within learners to prepare them for the world around them.