GCSE Information Evening
Every year we are pleased to invite you and your child to attend our Year 11 GCSE Information Evening. This important event offers essential guidance to help both parents and pupils successfully navigate the challenges of the GCSE year. The evening provides key information and practical advice on how best to support your child throughout their studies and as they prepare for their exams. The programme for the evening includes presentations and sessions on:
How can I support my child with revision?
We will share with you effective revision strategies that you can use with your child at home.
Key Dates and Intervention Timeline
A presentation outlining important exam dates and the intervention plan for Year 11.
Next Steps: College, Apprenticeships, and Employment
A presentation providing guidance on the next steps after GCSEs, including college options, apprenticeships, and employment pathways.
Supporting Your Child in Maths and English
Key information from Curriculum Leaders on how parents can best support their child in these core subjects.
We strongly encourage both parents and pupils to attend this event as the information provided will be vital in supporting your child throughout their GCSE journey. The precise date will be communicated each year via email, letter and texts to parents.