What is the Pupil Premium?

Pupil Premium is the funding that is allocated by the Government to help reduce inequalities and gaps in achievement between disadvantaged students from low income families and their peers. Schools are expected to use the funding to develop strategies that raise the aspirations, skills, progress and attainment of disadvantaged students.

The amount of Pupil Premium funding that schools receive is determined by the number of:

  • students receiving free school meals (FSM) in the last six years (children from low-income families are entitled to receive free school meals)
  • students who have been adopted or who are in local authority care
  • students who have parents in the Armed Forces

The Oaks Academy is fully committed to raising the aspirations and achievement of all of our students, irrespective of their social background and financial circumstances, and we therefore make effective use of our Pupil Premium funding to create greater equality of achievement between our students. As a result of the wide range of evidence-based strategies that we implement across our school the gaps in progress and attainment between our financially disadvantaged students and other students is narrowing.

It is clearly very important to us to know whether your child is from a background that entitles them as a member of our school to Pupil Premium funding. Please contact us to let us know if any of the qualifying criteria above apply to you or if your circumstances change. If you are not sure whether your child is entitled to free school meals, please follow the link below:

Click here to see if you are eligible for free school meals via gov.uk

Click here to Apply for free school meals through the Cheshire East Website

How do we use Pupil Premium Funding at The Oaks Academy?

You can learn more about how we used the Pupil Premium funding within our school by following the links below:

Pupil Premium Documents at The Oaks Academy

Updated: 03/12/2024 495 KB

At The Oaks Academy, we use the Pupil Premium funding to help us remove the typical `barriers to learning` that students from low-income families often have to contend with. These include:

– poor literacy and numeracy skills

– a lack of confidence academically

– low self-esteem and a `fixed mind-set` about what they can achieve

– a lack of resilience and perseverance

– a lack of aspiration, ambition and a sense of value in their education

All members of our staff, including our Board of Trustees, understand that the responsibility for narrowing the attainment gap between students who are in receipt of the Pupil Premium and other students is shared by everyone within the organisation. Every member of the Oaks Academy must strive to remove barriers to learning so that all children can thrive and achieve the best possible outcomes of which they are capable.

Our strategic approach towards removing these barriers and thereby reducing the attainment gap concentrate on four inter-linking areas:

  1. Transition
  2. Teaching and Learning
  3. Tracking, Monitoring and Intervention
  4. Involvement, Engagement and Aspiration