Photography (Artistic & Digital) Curriculum Statement

Photography at The Oaks Academy is an enriching and inclusive subject that enables students to develop their photographic skills, their understanding of and ability to use a range of formal elements and composition principles, their understanding of and ability to experiment with appropriate media, materials, techniques and processes. Students work through a range of projects enabling them to learn about the work of different photographers, plan, complete and annotate photo shoots, develop their own ideas, experiment with and edit their photographs and develop a range of final outcomes.

The key differences between the Digital Photography and the Artistic Photography courses are:

Digital Photography -  students will produce a Digital portfolio and will learn how to use Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop for digital and creative editing. Artistic Photography - students will produce a sketchbook-based portfolio and will learn how to experiment with a range of art and textiles materials and techniques for hand rendered editing.

National Curriculum

The aims and objectives of our Photography curriculum are unique as Photography is taught exclusively at GCSE level. Students at The Oaks Academy will: Learn how to take high quality photographs that are visually pleasing, showing an understanding of camera skills and the formal elements and composition principles Learn about and research the work of a range of photographers Plan, complete and annotate photo shoots Develop their own ideas Experiment with and edit their photographs (Digital Photography – using Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop and Artistic Photography – using art and textiles materials and techniques) Develop a range of final outcomes.

Exceeding Ambition

We aim to offer a Photography curriculum and enrichment opportunities that inspire students with strong photography abilities and interests. Students will have the opportunities to extend and personalise their projects to develop more original ideas leading to higher attainment.

Here are our Curriculum Road Maps for Artistic Photography:

and Digital Photography:


Students will work through a project process in each project by learning about and researching the work of a range of photographers, planning, completing and annotating photo shoots to demonstrate their photographic skills and use of the formal elements and composition principles, develop their own ideas and experimenting with and editing their photographs (Digital Photography – using Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop and Artistic Photography – using art and textiles materials and techniques). Through covering a range of projects ensures the curriculum is varied and enables students to learn about a range of photographic styles Implementation

Our students will:

  • Learn about and research the work of a range of photographers
  • Plan, complete and annotate photo shoots
  • Develop their own ideas
  • Experiment with and edit their photographs (Digital Photography – using Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop and
  • Artistic Photography – using art and textiles materials and techniques)


Throughout the process of completing their portfolios for each project students will receive regular personal QMF
(Quality Marked Formative) feedback to ensure they can reflect on strengths and areas for development as they are
working to make further progress during their DIRT (Directed Improvement and Reflection Time) as they work
towards their QMS (Quality Marked Summative) assessment each half term based on the completion of the
relevant assessment objectives. Their QMS assessments will be used to inform their Evidence Based Grades
(EBGs), which will determine whether students are meeting, exceeding or developing in relation to their Expected
Outcome. Interventions will be put in place for any students working below their Expected Outcome.

The assessment objectives are:

AO1 – develop their ideas through investigations, demonstrating critical understanding of sources
AO2 – refine work by exploring ideas, selecting and experimenting with appropriate media, materials, techniques
and processes
AO3 – record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions as work progresses
AO4 – present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and demonstrates understanding of
visual language

Cultural Capital Opportunities linked to Personal and Character development

As students will learn cover a range of projects students will learn about a range of photographers from different
periods of time, different photographic styles and different places.


Photography – Photography – GCSE Art and Design Revision – BBC Bitesize



AQA | Art and Design | Subject content | Photography