Drama Curriculum Statement 

Drama is taught as a discrete arts subject. Students learn the skill of drama creation, performance and evaluation as well as learning about the socio-historic context of significant genres, playwrights and drama movements.

Exceeding ambition 

Offering discrete drama lessons and a curriculum focused on a variety of drama styles not addressed via the English National Curriculum.


The Drama curriculum is designed for pupils to understand the benefits of participation in the arts, performance, and creativity. Pupils explore a range of socio-cultural issues which contribute to the development of mutual respect, collaboration, and co-operation. Confidence in communication is built through pupils learning how to apply subject specific language and being taught vocal and evaluation skills.  The value of teamwork is fostered, so that pupils understand the benefit of getting the most out of each other when striving towards a common goal.
Pupils will acquire an appreciation of the ways in which playwrights achieve their effects and communicate their intentions to an audience. As developing citizens, pupils also learn to appreciate the qualities of tolerance, understanding, empathy and sensitivity, through being exposed to different peoples’ perspectives on issues and events.

Here's our Drama Curriculum Road Map:

Drama Curriculum Map 2024-2025

Updated: 22/09/2024 10.53 MB


Implementation: What does learning look like? 

KS3 (years 7, 8 and 9) 

All pupils have a weekly Drama lesson. These lessons introduce pupils to a number of western drama styles, narrative and character creation as well as exploring a range of texts. Learning is focused on the drama component of performance with this the greatest weighted at GCSE and 100% practical for vocational award, but at the heart of a great Drama curriculum is the ability to create imaginative, inspiring and engaging performances for audiences. Students will learn the history of drama, building strong knowledge of different performance styles (Greek Theatre, Melodrama, Naturalism, Mime etc) and influential drama practitioners (Stanislavski, Brecht, Berkoff etc) and applying this knowledge practically. This knowledge will also be measured through low-stakes recall quizzes set as homework via Satchel: One. Lessons are sequenced to effectively develop skills and knowledge for all students and promote high levels of progress. By the end of KS3, students will be skilful in creating, performing and evaluating performances as well as being able to work collaboratively and communicate effectively with others.  

When young people choose this subject as their elective…
Pupils further develop their creativity through greater freedoms in devising their own performances as well as close textual study and realising text for performance in front of an audience. The procedural knowledge that pupils develop is a continuation of the foundation set in years 7,8 and 9. Beyond the requirements of GCSE/Technical  specification pupils critically engage with the work of theatre makers and use these references in the creation and realisation of their performance work. 


Throughout all years appropriate arrangements are made by the class teacher to accommodate any specific special needs that a pupil may have, thus enabling them to participate fully in Drama. Assessments take into consideration a holistic view of creation, performance and evaluation. Drama is tracked through Key Performance Indicators at KS3 based upon the performance skills and knowledge being assessed, in addition to the QMF and QMS assessments every half term. Due to the practical nature of creating performances, verbal formative feedback plays a vital role in every drama lesson, especially at KS3 where the focus is on developing the students’ wide ranging performance skills in preparation for KS4. All summative (QMS) performances are recorded to support Evidence Based Grades (EBG); students will receive a mark, feedback and reflect on their learning. At KS4, students will receive written feedback when completing UNIT 1 work in line with whole school policy and students will respond in purple pen to EBIs when applicable. Interventions will be put in place for any students below their Expected Outcome after detailed analysis of the ALL Achieve Data collections (X3).     

Cultural Capital Opportunities linked to Personal and Character development 

Through the curriculum pupils explore intellectually demanding topics that develop their empathy and global understanding. Students are exposed to a variety of cultures and viewpoints different to their own and engage in discussion and collaboration taking these into consideration.
Pupils have opportunities at GCSE to watch professional productions and engage with industry professionals via workshops. Throughout their drama education pupils develop social skills that allow them to collaborate effectively, engage in constructive dialogue and challenge their own preconceptions.