Pre-Public Examinations (PPE)

Year 11 pupils sit their GCSE examinations at the end of the academic year. In order to prepare them for the challenges ahead they sit Pre-Public Examinations (PPEs), which are a practice run so pupils can experince what it will be like during their actual GCSEs. The Pre-Public Examination timetable is shared with pupils and parents at least two weeks before they begin. Pupils are required to attend normal lessons when they do not have an exam.

Each pupil must check carefully when they have examinations. It is crucial that all Year 11 pupils see this time as one of great importance. Pre-Public Examinations are a diagnostic tool where teachers and pupils can identify areas for development to ensure success in the summer.

Revision Materials

Every subject uploads revision materials on Satchel:One so pupils can access revision materials at home and be fully prepared for their pre-public examinations. Pupils are able to download the Satchel One app from the App Store or Google Play Store, or you can visit the website at to access the platform.

Pupils do not need a separate username and password for Satchel:One. Instead, pupils should use the Sign in with Office 365 button and enter their school email address and password to login.  

In addition, pupils have been provided with information on how to revise for exams and what revision strategies have the most impact based on evidence informed practice.    

Exam Equipment

Please ensure that your child comes fully prepared for each exam. They need a black pen, pencil, ruler and eraser for all exams. For maths they also need a protractor, compasses and calculator. For Science a calculator will also be required.


If your child is unwell and unable to attend school for any Pre-Public Examinations, please contact our absence line as usual. We do not make formal arrangements to sit pre-public exams at a later date, but teachers do make informal arrangements as necessary.