Curriculum Intent
The Oaks Academy aims to provide a quality education which enriches students’ ambition and love of learning and equips them with the skills, knowledge and cultural capital they need to be successful in later life.
Our curriculum is ambitious, broad and connected and has been developed to meet the needs of The Oaks Academy students including SEND, EAL and PP students. Across a breadth of subject's literacy unpins learning and knowledge is embedded across the key stages. We aim to teach students how to think, evaluate and question and we strive to promote resilience as well as academic learning, educating our students for life
Curriculum Implementation
Our curriculum is organised so that:
- Programmes of study are sequenced to allow students to learn. Staff have sequenced learning so that students are able to make connections to prior learning to support their learning over time.
- The timetable is structured into a fortnightly model with five lessons of one hour duration each day
- The teaching of knowledge, concepts and skills is structured in a way that helps students to learn best, including through careful sequencing of content, regular retrieval or ‘interleaving’ of knowledge and assessed application of this knowledge with feedback.
- Regular monitoring and evaluation of the content, delivery and impact of the curriculum on individuals continues to ensure its effectiveness and improve teaching and learning pedagogy.
- To support knowledge retention and retrieval learning, lessons are structured around the principles: Share, Build, Practise
Knowledge Organisers
To support knowledge retention over time, all subjects devise and utilise knowledge Organisers in their lesson planning and delivery. Our knowledge Organisers summarise and condense all the most vital, useful, and powerful knowledge on a single page, that students need to remember to be successful.
All knowledge Organisers can be located in individual subject class Teams that students are assigned to and are stuck in student exercise books at the start of a new topic. Staff are expected to utilise these documents in their lesson structure and delivery and students are expected to refer to them when developing their work, revising for an assessment, or completing homework. Examples of our knowledge organisers can be located below.