Mellors Catering
The Academy offers a wide range of food in the canteen, including hot and cold meals and grab-and-go snacks. These are purchased from our catering stations in the main hall and servery located in the student patio.
Cashless Catering
School Comms is a cashless catering system that allows you to pay for your child’s academy meals, giving you more control and greater visibility over their food choices.
There is a daily spend limit of £5 which can be increased or decreased by written request to the main office. Please note, there is no facility for an overdraft on the system – children can ask a member of staff in the academy office to contact home should they need to top up online.
Students entitled to free school meals will also use the same system with the daily allowance automatically credited for use at break and lunchtimes - unspent free academy meals allowances will not be carried over to subsequent days.
Current Legislation – The Protection of Freedoms Act 2012
This legislation requires schools to:
· inform parents about the use of the biometric systems in the school and explain what applications use biometrics.
· receive written permission from one parent if the school is to process biometric information for their child.
· allow children to choose an alternative way of being identified if they wish. Children under 18 who do not have permission will not be able to use existing or new biometrics when using services in the school.
If you do not wish your child to use the biometric system or your child chooses to use an alternative form of identification, we will provide reasonable alternative arrangements that allow them to access current and future services.
Dietary Requirements
If your child has specific dietary requirement due to food intolerances or food allergies, we need to know this information. From October 1st 2021 – Natasha’s Law came into force, and as a result, it is compulsory that parents provide the school with up-to-date medical evidence of any known allergies. School will share this information with our catering team.
Payments for Meals
We operate a cashless catering system within the school which uses fingerprint recognition technology to allow the purchase of food items. This is done through School Gateway which is also used by the academy to communicate with students’ families.
Please download the School Gateway App;
Apple iPhone users, download the app here:
Android phone users, download the app here:
Biometrics (CIVICA)
Software called CIVCA is used for students to access their accounts which automatically deducts items purchased. The easiest and most secure method for students to access this is using their finger print (biometrics) although other methods are available.
For students to access this method we need your permission to collect and store their biometrics within the CVICA system. Please complete the digital form to give your permission