Business Studies Curriculum Statement

GCSE Business at TOA equips students with the skills and confidence to explore how businesses work and how different business situations affect business decisions.  Students will consider the practical application of business concepts whilst adopting a holistic approach to the subject, and develop transferable academic skills and personal characteristics that will prepare them for their futures.  

Through exposure to a range of business organisations and entrepreneurs, extra-curricular opportunities develop awareness of the business world in which we live.  Students are encouraged to make informed choices about a wide range of further learning opportunities and career pathways as well as develop life skills that enable to become financially and commercially aware.

Here's our Curriculum Road Map for Business Studies:

Enterprise and Marketing

Updated: 22/09/2024 5.51 MB


This programme of study intends to expose students to a wide range of learning experiences that develops their understanding of the business world in which they live.  The learning activities are planned to interest and challenge students so that they develop as enterprising individuals with the ability to think commercially and creatively to demonstrate business acumen.  

Throughout the programme of study, students will develop an understanding of the integrated nature of business activity and the impact of business on individuals and wider society. They will apply knowledge and understanding to contemporary business issues and to different types and sizes of business in the local, national and global economy.

The programme of study is designed to develop resilient learners who are able to respond positively to feedback and recover from setbacks.  Students will develop as reflective and independent thinkers, able to use an enquiring, critical approach to making informed judgements.  

The programme of study intends to develop academic skills and personal characteristics that will give them the knowledge, skills and behaviours to prepare them for their future studies and careers.

Implementation: - What does learning look like? 

The programme of study is divided into topics, each covering key concepts of business. The content is clear and logically laid out for students.  Knowledge is built each lesson with a review of prior learning and weekly recall tasks.  Learning tasks are designed to interest and challenge students and to give them the opportunity to develop their TOA character skills.   Assessment is regular and is self, peer and teacher assessed.  During DIRT sessions, students will develop their reflective thinking skills, improve their work, and set targets for improvement.  

Homework set regularly to include;
•    review and learning of knowledge, 
•    QMF assessments,
•    and wider reading/research tasks.  

Information technology is used to enhance learning, for example, Quizlet for learning key terms, Quizlet Live for group challenges, Kahoot for testing recall as well as research and presentation of learning.

Extra-curricular activities are planned to enrich the curriculum, and develop students’ cultural capital – see below.


Students receive verbal feedback each lesson and frequent written QMF (Quality Marked Formative) feedback to ensure they can reflect on strengths and areas for development as they are working to make further progress during their DIRT (Directed Improvement and Reflection Time).   Progress will be reflected in their QMS (quality marked summative) assessment.  Their QMS assessments will be used to inform their Evidence Based Grades (EBGs), which will determine whether students are meeting, exceeding or developing in relation to their Expected Outcome. Interventions will be put in place for any students working below their Expected Outcome. 

Cultural Capital Opportunities linked to Personal and Character development 

Interviews (face to face and online, individually and as a class) with entrepreneurs and business leaders.
Enterprise competition and lunch club
Extra-curricular visits to local businesses eg Bentley 
Residential visit to London (tbc)


Links for GCSE Business and OCR National Enterprise + Marketing – BBC Bitesize. – TwoTeachers – BizKids – SENECA Learning