Our Careers Programme
Each year we amend and develop our careers programme to ensure that we are supporting and providing our students with the best opportunities. We are committed to ensuring that our programme is progressive and supports students in all years groups, to develop their knowledge and understanding of careers available labour market information and employability skills.
Careers is taught explicitly through the PSCHE programmes of study which is then supported through the assembly and form time programme. Here is a taste of what our students experience throughout the Careers programme here at The Oaks Academy:
Careers Education Information and Guidance (CEIAG)
We are highly committed to providing our students with information, advice and guidance relating to their future decisions and careers. In order to do this we are following the 8 Gatsby benchmarks:
The eight Gatsby benchmarks of Good Career Guidance are:
- A stable careers programme
- Learning from career and labour market information
- Addressing the needs of each pupil
- Linking curriculum learning to careers
- Encounters with employers and employees
- Experiences of workplaces
- Encounters with further and higher education
- Personal guidance
Our careers strategy details the ways in which we intend to meet these benchmarks in order to provide the best careers provision for our students at The Oaks Academy.
Careers education at The Oaks Academy is led by Mrs Abberley who can be contacted for information and enquiries on eabberley@theoaksacademy.co.uk or 01270 661223.
We are committed to ensuring that we meet all elements of the Baker Clause, as stated in the Technical and Further Education Act 2017. The Baker Clause stipulates that schools must allow colleges and training providers access to every student in years 8- 13 to discuss non-academic routes that are available to them. Our careers programme ensures full and impartial advice around education routes post 16, through visits to providers, assemblies, PSCHE lessons and careers guidance interviews.
Careers Guidance at The Oaks Academy
Careers Team
Skills Builder Partnership
The Oaks Academy works with The Skills Builder Partnership to ensure every learner has opportunities to build eight essential skills to support them now and in the future.
Research has shown that building these eight essential skills can support the emotional wellbeing and academic success of children and young people, as well as preparing them for life beyond school. Skills Builder has developed a Universal Framework that breaks each of these essential skills down into 16 teachable steps. We use this framework to teach and practise each of the eight skills at the appropriate level throughout school life. Skills Builder has a resource platform dedicated to helping parents and carers to build their child’s essential skills at home: Skills Builder Homezone (skillsbuilder.org/homezone). From Weekly Skill Challenges, to family activities and guidance to share with older children to access independent tools for their own skill development, Skills Builder Homezone can be enjoyed at a time and pace to suit all families.
The receiving, retaining and processing of information or ideas This skill is all about being able to listen effectively to others. Initially when developing this skill we focus on remembering short instructions, understanding why others are communicating and picking out important information. We then look at how to demonstrate we are listening effectively, thinking about body language, open questioning and summarising and rephrasing.
Suggested activities to try at home to build the skill of Listening:
Listen to and review an audiobook or podcast.
Talk or write about what was good about it and if you would recommend it to others.
Arrange a phone or video call with an older family member.
Speak clearly and listen carefully to the other person in the conversation.
For more Skills Challenges to try at home, visit: skillsbuilder.org/homezone
Useful websites
Start profile is an excellent platform used by KS3 students in order to fine tune their career choice based on their likes and interests. The website also provides information on the current labour market and job demographics:
For current apprenticeship vacancies and information, visit the UK government website.
For information, advice and guidance to help you make decisions on learning, training and work
For information, advice and guidance to help you make decisions on learning, training and work
UCAS supports young people making post-16 choices, as well as those applying for undergraduate and postgraduate courses. It also allows students to take various careers quizzes to allow them to fine-tune their options.
Links to local colleges and Universities
South Cheshire Chamber of Commerce