"A generation which ignores history has no past and no future."

History Curriculum Statement

We believe that every young person has the right to a high-quality history education and that the skills they develop through history (such as critical thinking) have a hugely positive impact on many other areas of life and learning. 
The aim of history teaching at The Oaks Academy is to develop students’ ability and awareness of the past and how it can be used to explain our present. We teach young people to analyse key events in history using historical sources and interpretations. Thus, they learn to critically analyse evidence and information presented to them, in order to make well thought out arguments and assessments. 

National Curriculum

Our curriculum is based on the National Curriculum and aims to ensure that our pupils:
-know and understand the history of from the earliest times to the present day: how people’s lives have shaped this nation and how Britain has influenced and been influenced by the wider world.
- know and understand aspects of the history of the wider world: the nature of ancient civilisations and empires. 
- develop a historically grounded understanding of abstract terms and key vocabulary.
- understand historical concepts such as continuity and change, cause and consequence, similarity, difference and significance, create their own structured accounts, including written narratives.
- understand the methods of historical enquiry, including how evidence is used rigorously to make historical claims.

Exceeding Ambition

At The Oaks, History exceeds the National Curriculum by the range of topics that we study throughout years 7 and 9 covering a full 2000 years of history. We are also developing local studies currently focusing on the impacts of the English Civil War and the Battle of Nantwich. Pupils also study the British Empire, slavery and key individuals with a focus on migration.
Pupils complete a Humanities Cultural Capital Homework of which History will contribute to the topic focusing on history skills and content. We are delivering a Humanities led Crewe Regeneration Project. This allows pupils to interact locally in a real historical way and propose ideas to the local MP and council. It will develop skills of the industrial history of Crewe and use that to shape a plan for a new town centre.  Pupils will also have the opportunity to write a letter to the local MP and have a one to one discussion.

Here's our Curriculum Road Map for History:

History Curriculum Map 2024-2025

Updated: 22/09/2024 24.30 MB


To promote academic learning by delivering lessons that are enjoyable, challenging and engaging. Across Key Stage 3 we ensure a breadth of learning is provided before the depth of learning narrows as they progress towards and into Key Stage 4. Our curriculum is designed to meet the needs of all our pupils by focusing on building and retaining knowledge, developing key skills and improving literacy through extended writing. We teach pupils how to think, question and evaluate before drawing justified conclusions. We promote a class climate of calm; nurturing pupils to take pride in their learning and to show respect to the teacher and to each other. Pupils are given teacher feedback to help them make progress and rewards are given to celebrate their work showing that effort is valued, and resilience promoted. The History curriculum is accessible for all Students including SEND and EAL pupils through effective planning and differentiation. We provide cultural enrichment in lessons and through the provision of memorable experiences, visits and trips as we strive to prepare our pupils for life as productive members of society.

Implementation: - What does learning look like? 

In Years 7 to 9

In Year 7 pupils first develop their historical skills in order to prepare them for the topics studied throughout the rest of their time at the Oaks and beyond. This includes the language of chronology, source interpretation skills and the development of inferences and hypotheses. This is achieved via historical case studies and enables pupils to holistically develop critical and analytical thinking in both a modern and historical context. students gain a broad chronological understanding of British history from the Romans to the modern day within a carefully structured sequence of lessons. Pupils are also exposed to how History is linked explicitly to other humanities subjects, through a series of cultural capital homework projects which focus on different Humanities themes.

In Year 8 students study local, British and world history through carefully sequenced lessons that focus on students developing an understanding of key content, as well as key skills. The curriculum content is diverse and carefully liked to the local area. During this Students continue develop their historical skills such as source analysis, assessment of interpretations and second order concepts through creative lesson planning and student led activities. Half termly assessments based on a combination of GCSE style questions and previous knowledge are completed to effectively track student’s progress and to identify areas of improvement.

In Year 9 pupils continue to widen their historical, political and economic understanding of the world lessons are sequenced to effectively develop skills and knowledge for all students and promote high levels of progress. Knowledge will build on their understanding from previous modules from years 7 and 8 to develop retention of information and to develop higher order understanding of the significance of events. Interventions are developed to help support students who fall behind or demonstrate a less than expected level of progress. Recall and retention of knowledge is promoted by regular and rigorous assessments and in class formative assessment through the use of exam style questions and quizzes. Knowledge recall also take place at the beginning of all lessons to ensure that previous learning is fully embedded.

History at GCSE

The Year 10 GCSE Edexcel course focused on early modern and modern history both in Britain and abroad. The modules are as follows: 

• Paper 1- Migration to Britain, c.800 to present and Notting Hill, c.1948-70. 

• Paper 2- Early Elizabethan England, 1558-1588 and Superpower Relations and the Cold War, c.1945-1991. 

 • Paper 3- Weimar and Nazi Germany, c.1918-1939. 

This course is aimed at giving pupils a deep understanding of key events and processes in history that have both affected the UK and the wider world. The Migration module takes a broad look at why people have settled in the UK and how they have shaped us culturally, socially, economically and spiritually. Elizabethan England provides an insight into the development of England and the surrounding countries in what some people call a “Golden Age” and how this has affected the development of the UK. The Cold War module looks at how international relations were shaped in the post WW2 world, with the two superpowers of the USA and the Soviet Union locked in constant competition with each other. Finally, the Germany module explores the circumstances that led to the rise of the Nazi Party in one of the world’s most democratic nations and what life was like once Adolf Hitler came to power.



The 11 GCSE AQA course focuses on the modules:


Topic 1  Germany 1890-1945 focuses on Hitler’s rise to and consolidation of power, as well as life in Nazi Germany.

Topic 2  Conflict and tension, the Interwar Years, 1918–1939 focuses on the failure of the League of Nations and the global causes of World War 1.

Topic 3 Elizabethan England c1568-1603 focuses on Elizabethan society and the historic environment focuses on the reign of Queen Elizabeth I and the development of England as an international power.
Topic 4 Britain: Health and the people: c1000 to the present day focuses on the development of medicine with an emphasis on a thematic approach.

Websites to support learning: BBC Bitesize, History Learning Site, GCSEPod, British History Online, History Online, Runnymede Trust Website- Our Migration Story, The Black Curriculum, Migration Museum- The Heart of the Nation online exhibition



Our History Curriculum is high quality, well thought out and is planned to demonstrate progression. At the end of the pupils’ school experience, students will leave with skills such as critical reasoning and analytical skills, the ability to; conduct detailed research, to construct an argument and communicate findings in a clear and persuasive manner, both orally and in writing, to discuss ideas in groups, to negotiate, to summarise as well as the capacity to think objectively and approach problems and new situations with an open mind. The curriculum will aim to develop pupils’ curiosity, enthusiasm, and love for learning. Additionally, it will build on young people’s experiences and enable students to become successful learners, confident individuals, and effective global citizens.

Quality Marked Summative and Quality Marked Formative assessments take place every half term to help track pupil progress and understanding of topics, as well as their ability to use historical skills effectively. This data is used by teachers to develop teacher planning for subsequent lessons and identify areas of strength and development. Students will also respond effectively to marking feedback, using purple pen, to make substantial improvements to their work and to understand their own strengths and areas of development. Teachers will use a range of marking strategies that suit the needs of both the students and the activities being completed. Formative assessment is undertaken each lesson through student work and high-level academic discussions that take place within the classroom. High-quality verbal and peer feedback is utilised to effectively pinpoint student misconceptions and to drive higher-order thinking from all students.

Cultural Capital Opportunities linked to Personal and Character development 

Students in History will take part in historic trips, to develop their appreciation for history as it stands today. This will also allow pupils to experience history outside of the classroom and develop a critical understanding of its importance. Planned/Proposed trips include a visit to a World War 1 Battlefields trip in year for KS3 and 4.

Through the study of history, in particular key topics such as Weimar and Nazi Germany, British Empire, Migration to Britain and UK Civil Rights students develop personal character and appreciation of diversity, tolerance and British values. Students also have access to subject co-curricular clubs such as the History Club and the Politics Club where students can explore a wider range of historical and political topics.


BBC – History: British History in-depth

GCSE History Revision – StudyWise