Dear Parents
Looking back at the last 12 months, we have experienced another unprecedented, yet positive and progressive year. It began back in January with another lockdown, and is ending with news that we have yet another COVID-related variant. Particular highlights were:
- the well-attended open evening, and all the really positive comments we received about the school
- the number of former students (now working high performing local, national and international companies or organisations), who have contacted us to be part of our journey to excellence
- the establishment of a new Local Governing Board, comprised of committed, experienced, and knowledgeable governors from industry, a local faith groups chamber of commerce, and school inspection and education
- the farewell week for our Year 11s which was focused on community links, leadership and team-building as part of a National Citizenship Service Programme
- planning for our site improvement programme, including a new learning resource centre and library, new IT infrastructure, and newly refurbished classrooms
- notable successes at GCSE including students receiving top grades across all subjects
- developing meaningful links with our primaries, including the launch of our masterclass programme in English, maths and science
- regular visits by the Mayor and Member of Parliament for Crewe and Nantwich
- the significant increase in students at the school, particularly in Year 7, which has resulted in additional funds coming to the school to support our growth
We will continue to go from strength to strength in the new year and we look forward to our next challenges in driving the school forwards. Thank you as ever for your on-going support, and enjoy a Christmas full a cheer and goodwill.
Academy Updates
Upcoming Events
- Friday 17th December – Break for Christmas
- Wednesday 5th November – Return to the academy
Covid-19 Vaccinations
A letter has been sent to all parents today (Friday 17th December) from the school nursing team.
Covid Catchup Letter – Friday 17th December
Please be aware that the immunisation team is running this process, the academy has NO role in the management of the immunisation process.
Covid Plans
During the holidays we will be reviewing our covid planning. Any updated plans will be made available to all members of the school before students return on Wednesday 5th January.
Online Safety
We would encourage parents and carers to visit the website and use the guidance to understand what their children are accessing. You can then apply parental settings to all apps and games as well as regularly checking devices including images, installed apps and conversations.
The Learning Alliance
The Oaks Academy is just one of 9 schools which make up The Learning Alliance Trust. Please click below to read the latest news from the trust.
TLA Newsletter
Christmas Celebrations
The final day for 2021 has been celebrated in style at The Oaks Academy. A range of festive jumpers have been on display and lots of money raised for Save the Children. A grand total of £366 has been raised. Well done everyone. Happy Christmas!
Christmas Tree
Huge thank you to Alex McAulay from Enviroz for gifting us this beautiful Christmas tree. Seen here during the celebration assemblies which have been taking place this week.
Christmas Hampers
Staff have been donating food and Christmas items to create these wonderful hampers which have been delivered to local families.
Teaching and Learning
Well done Year 11
Well done to all our Year 11s who recently sat their mock exams. Mrs Piggin is holding Saturday school revision sessions. Extra learning and treats… winning combination!
On Thursday 16th December Year 7 were binging History to life practicing Roman battle formations with Mr Jessup!
Year 7 maths quiz relay with quiz master Mrs Whittaker
Food Technology
The halls of The Oaks Academy are regularly filled with yummy smells. Following you nose leads directly to Food Technology where students are cooking delicious meals with Mrs Williams. Here are Year 7 making fruit salad and Year 9 making sausage rolls. Yummy!
Music For Life
Music, like language, is a fundamental part of human existence and of the societies in which we live. The opportunity to learn to play an instrument enables children to participate in an activity which many will find to be one of the most formative experiences they have as they grow up, developing an interest and a skill which opens up so many possibilities now and in later life. A bonus is that involvement in music has been shown to have a positive effect on other aspects of development—social skills, language, physical coordination and emotional development.
Click the link below to ready more about Music for Life:
MfL Book Lesson e-Letter
What to learn - interactive picture
Clubs and Events
Politics Club
On Wednesday Kieran Mullan, Crewe MP, joined our politics club via zoom to discuss covid, parliament and education.
Our students did us proud. It was an excellent experience and the questions were superb. Kieran Mullan was impressed and hopes to pay us another visit – maybe even helping with our future ‘Oaks academy general election’.
Crewe Alex
Reward Trips have seen students attending Crewe Alex to watch their recent matches
Romaina Day
On 1st December students were treated to a special assembly by Mrs Gherghiceanu Happy Romania Day!