Dear Parents/carers

The Oaks Academy is a member of The Learning Alliance. Our trust is currently exploring a potential merger with another local trust, The Learning for Life Partnership, which we believe with strengthen both trusts to better support the education of all children and young people in the merged entity.

Below are documents issued to school staff, which outline the details of the proposal and seek to address some frequently asked questions. We believe many of these FAQs will also be relevant to you as parents/carers.

Documents on proposed merger

Updated: 16/12/2022 128 KB
Updated: 16/12/2022 235 KB

If you would like to provide feedback or raise a query regarding the proposed merger, you can do so by following the below link:

Potential Merger Consultation Feedback Form

We can assure all parents and carers that the proposed merger will have minimal direct impact on the school, and you will not notice a difference on a day-to-day basis in terms of the school's identity, leadership, or the provision of education to your children, although longer term we believe the merger will support the school's development.

Kind regards,


David Twambley

Chief Operating Officer - The Learning Alliance