February 2026 Ski Trip
We are excited to announce our next school ski trip has been organised. All Year 7-9 students have received a letter inviting them to join us in February 2026.
KS3 Pantomime Rewards trip
Our Year 7 and 8 students have all attended the pantomime at The Lyceum Theatre in recognition of the great start they have had to this academic year.
Christmas Concert
Our annual Christmas concert was held on Thursday 14th December to a packed-out audience. Well done to all students and staff involved.
CCSW Esports experience
Mr Street took some year 10 pupils to Cheshire College South & West for an ESports experience. The students got to play against each other in a Fortnite competition. The pupils loved it and the College were amazing hosts. Gaming is one of the fastest growing careers with the college offering Esports as a post 16 destination.